Thursday 14 March 2013

Just a thought- shoe lifts to help you appear taller

Just a thought or a suggestion if you are thinking of how to grow taller.. it is rather smart actually and a way so unnoticeable nobody will know your cheating or see that your wearing them. This method to grow taller involves wearing shoe lifts. Shoe lifts can be worn by anyone who are wanting to appear taller. Did you know that not only that but these heel lifts will also improve balance and posture? Well that being said you will also be happy to know that height increasing insoles can also be adjusted..adjusted in what you ask? well heel height meaning you can find a height your are comfortable with or you can even adjust your height gradually to make people believe your growing taller naturally too.

See there are always ways to do things... even something that sounds impossible like growing taller.
Thought this was quite cool what i created!

Just my notes

Just my notes is my my blog where i will be sharing my thoughts and notes on stuff. Dunno what yet but i will think of something. Promise. :D